Users can take trading opportunities by simply following Advisors, or they can get mentally and emotionally involved by making their own trading decisions one by one.

The Home screen resonates with the three phases of The Ride.

They embrace the nature of human cognition:
scanning through trading and investment possibilities,
making informed decisions about the selected opportunity and being constantly on top of all the happenings and
finally evaluate ourselves.
SignalRider SignalRider
Join a ride – get inspired

With Signal Rider you are never alone. Ride and control the movements of the market. Understand the underlying rationale behind a trading opportunity with our compact style of reasoning. Be aware of all the updates and events affecting your Rides. Make informed decisions and stay ahead of the game. Ride high!

My rides – always in control

In our detailed Ride View: tailor the risk profile of a Ride to your own risk appetite. You can follow an Advisor along the Ride or you can make your own choices. Any update to a Ride made by the Advisor is clearly transparent. The decision to trade has never been so easy.

My ride history – reflections and the way ahead

You can evaluate the performance of your Advisor and yourself by the end of each Ride. The summary screen shows your actual Equity curve and the results of all the Rides taken and missed.

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